Any Jewelry

Jacqueline Walet Hairstyliste & Visagiste is verkooppunt van Any Jewelry.
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Waarom Any Jewelry?

Sierand maken je look af. Daarom heeft Jacqueline Walet Hairstyliste & Visagiste gekozen voor Any Jewelry. Any Jewelry biedt zilveren en zilver golden plated sieraden. De sieraden zijn van zeer mooie kwaliteit!

Over AnyJewelry
AnyJewelry was founded by Annemarie van Gorkom in 2018 following the deep-rooted belief that personal style is versatile, and constantly evolving. Every individual has slightly different tastes, quirks and expressions, which is what makes us unique. AnyJewelry's mission is to create something perfect for every single one of us. Our ever-growing collections of silver and gold-plated jewelry offer endless possibilities to create your own expression of you, in any given moment.

About Annemarie
Annemarie van Gorkom is a passionate and multifaceted jewellery designer, currently based in Amsterdam. Before completing a BA in Jewelry Art at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, she received a goldsmith degree from De Vakschool in Schoonhoven and studied at the Fachhochschule für Schmück und Gerät in Pforzheim, Germany. She worked as a jeweller and diamond setter in various professional environments. Her solid understanding of the technical skills involved in making delicate pieces, combined with an eye for adventurous concepts, ensures her work defies an easy definition. She is interested in the symbolic meaning given to jewellery in all corners of the world and translates this into current, graphic pieces, and very wearable items. Adding a generous dose of personal attention to her brand, Annemarie loves to listen closely to the needs and wishes of customers, and is always willing to make small adjustments to the designs.

Salon | Barneveld | Kapper - Kapster | Make-up | Visagie | Bruiden | Workshops | Fotoshoots | Webshop | Youngblood | Kis | Revitalash | Goldwell